Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dear Dr. Landers,

When I woke up this morning, I decided to make a protein shake for breakfast. I recently discovered that the G6 vanilla powder and a packet of Starbucks Via tastes pretty fabulous together. Plus, there's caffeine, and I have never met a cup of coffee that I didn't like.

So I'm making my drink, feeling pretty proud of myself that 1) I passed up an offer to splurge on Dairy Queen last night and 2) I am making a good choice first thing in the morning.

Yep. I'm on the right track, I think.

And then... I look over at the kitchen counter.

My husband brought home a bag of doughnuts.

Seriously, what kind of sadist does that? And who in this house needs doughnuts?

I've been staring at those doughnuts all morning. I've thought about putting them away so I can't see them, but honestly I don't trust myself to pick up the bag. I'll eat them for sure if I touch that bag, and the worst part is I won't even enjoy them. They'll taste like chocolate-flavored lard and then they'll leave that nasty film on the roof of my mouth, and then I'll hate myself for eating them.

Stupid doughnuts.

Stupid husband.

He and I are going to have A Talk about this.

- Your patient,


  1. I have to say that this is honestly one of the hardest challenges to face when it comes to a healthier lifestyle. Im speaking for myself here, but I am addicted to food. I know what Im eating is bad for me but I still continue to do it because it makes me feel good. Not to belittle other addictions, but food addictions are probably one of the hardest to face. An alcoholic just has to stay away from the bars and people who casually drink (don't get me wrong its way easier said than done). However, as a food addict, I can't just "not eat". Its a constant fight every time I eat a meal to not let my addiction take over. Being around people who can eat whatever they want makes it even harder. So every time you have the strength to say no to bad choices, I say CONGRATS. Because its little victories like that that make a big difference in the long run. Best of luck and keep fighting!!!
